Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The airlines, competition on price and branding

Here are some reflections on the study of the theory of price wars as they relate to other industries such as airlines e. Comments on an article in the Harvard Business Review in March-April 2000. The article was titled "How to win a price war." Written by Akshay R. Rao, Mark E. Bergen and Scott Davis.

We begin the article that the game of business, many tactics to fight competitors. Increasingly, price is the weapon of choice. Talk aboutHow can the search for market shares and profits of dominance by continually lowering the price of each side of a price war to reduce the industry. Oh really? But who cares what the industry itself. It is the consumer who will pay us for your dinner and lessons youremployee's Kids? And the sites for the 1992 war between U.S. airlines, Northwest and others as an example. The result was record air travel and identify leaks. Of course, this example can not be used in a modern context, as inTime any airline has flown McDonald Douglas, Boeing and Lockheed Aircraft. With Pratt Whitney and / or GE engines. Similar in fuel consumption, similar ticket distribution, similar airport landing fees and similar customer base.

Now, to really win and that diminish the losses of war who would be more effective reserves, the efficient cutting staff facilities, airlines supply, programming, fuel and other services related to air transportwere involved. They have simply engaged in a price war to shake the weak. Now for the consumer the lowest prices were great for the shareholders were not. But it could be. The authors of this site as a loss for the industry. One area that advances aviation war and take a few years to enable the new technology to reach the private sector with new and efficient aerodynamics and electronic positioning devices and for the allocation of fuel.

If the number of MBAcrunchers would look at the real problems and design a superior system of the airlines at the moment is not always obvious, and previous chess moves then you might get an upper hand. Since necessity is the mother of invention. Price may'd lead the market and the winners in more free templates Friedman that companies can innovate and adapt their way to the Navy next level, as in the new digital economy, for example. But only one aircraft to go so fastthere is friction, air resistance, buoyancy, weight and thrust and that is all I can really do? Wrong. Remember when Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in the Bell X-1? It was impossible. And the moon? Never! You can see that there are those who can not or do not push the envelope and not risk losing the price war is in danger. The industry? Who cares about the industry. Create new. A sector is a limit, so the atmosphere is, the lines of copper cable, the ones and zeros that make up the language of the computer.Industry standard set. Break. industry limits, ignore them, industry experts do. Challenge. magazines and industry to give advice, do not read. Driving prices in each sector makes the industry and the forces that are weak to adapt one or exit the market.

Your article is like saying that an Olympic athlete works too hard and sacrifices too much should slow miles in the marathon and 5 minutes to reach let the other runners. Hog wash. Olet the other team score points in basketball more and put in your weakest so that it can close the game looks like? Why, capitalist markets dictate competition and competition requires to satisfy good reason. I say take that challenge, providing a good quality, lower prices and higher levels. Oh, sure, unions want all the work for as little as possible, which does not want war with pay. But a war could improve efficiency. Less work for the month of May to pay. Who does itHelp? It is a bit 'short on one side? All it does is reward inefficiency. We are in this article believe that a price war hurts an industry? Who says the industry should be allowed to exist? The consumer or the industry?

Harvard Business School is so hard up for articles that this type of content and allow errors in their assessments? Why you should reward an industry, and recommends against price wars? But if price collusion and price fixing? This is theanother option. A price war weakens Industries? Or is that to control and discourage her too fat, dumb and happy? strong survive, free market economy, development theory of the business. Just because trade associations and pressure groups, and is the standard for price and quality, does not mean they should be allowed to garnish higher prices to the pressures of the consumer market and competitive situation, particularly the great market pressure of pricealways the great equalizer in the current system, all companies in the U.S. operate under.

A citation of this article is hysterical:

PRICE wars CREATE economic psychology devastating and debilitating situation that an extraordinary tribute to an individual, a company and the sector's profitability.

Many great words, guys, do not buy, but this player. First of all, nobody said that life was probably stress in personal life, work, or be different. If youborn during the birth, your body is under more stress moving through the birth canal than at any other time in your life. So forget this thing in a way. The strong survive. No athlete can expect, on top without hours of training, dedication, sacrifice and training to stay. You should also not be allowed. Since world records are not won without competition and pushing the envelope. Similarly, no company should be able to operate at anything less than maximum efficiency. If they doare lazy and should be questioned, it helps the momentum associated with a free economy.

The airline example does not take into account some of the airlines made some progress in the competition by then. Continental Airlines has introduced a fuel savings for drivers who have received a bonus, a percentage of fuel stored in LBS. Cutting off the direct route from station to station (VOR) could save fuel and time in flight, thus able to lower cruisingSpeed, less effort on the hyperbolic curve and save millions of people every day in fuel. This came from the price war. Many other similar efficiencies also came from the price wars.

The authors of the site, then the war began long-distance Sprint during the weekend of 5 cents per minute, and then voted on by MCI and AT & T. Good for consumers and now we can see a few years without charges for long distance calls within the continental U.S.. This industry's profits hurt. Yes, but what the heck. Consumers have better treatmentand if the telephone company at the top of their game, then they would be able to save these before and have had little to offer Sprint's move caught off guard by then. Why have not they already offer lower prices because they might have?

What is not these writers and professors said that the best way to win a price war is simple. Start the price war, but not until you are 100% at the top of your game. If you're on top, you can win a price war. But to be active, not reactive. Beswitch price, the Ball Buster, an iron fist. Move to take the first blow, so deep, so hard, without hesitation and be ready to move and adapt with the battle. Take what is yours, because you're at the beginning of the game. Be prepared to do the unexpected movements in a split second and fire blow after blow. Be ready to break, industry standards, forget the rules, the perception of the field, ignore its experts, its leadership, its foundation. If you go with Redline in a race with cars that allthe same speed and use only part of the way then go ahead. But the team and the teams, as it is used in various industries in all fights.

Since the first thing they teach us for driving race cars is the whole distance. And if not then in the class about weight control, speed, size and timing. If you set limits other then the authors have a point, in other cases they have to stop writing articles. Publish or Perish? guys what, I think ifIt can not, you can always teach.

I love price wars, and have never entered a market area, digitally or anologely that we did not win for the implementation of a price war.

Rule number one in the competition for the price. Begin the war.

Number two. Be prepared to adapt.

Number three. The best and most efficient BEFORE YOU START.

The number four. Do not follow industry standards, or set the trend.

Number five. Is NOT a time for war. War Is Hell assume thatForever.

Number six. Suppliers are in your team.

Number seven. Tell the world about your price reduction and why.

Number eight. Raising the quality and the EASE of use by their clients simultaneously.

Number Nine. BUNDLE SERVICES immediately before the WAR.

Number Ten RUN, price competition in all areas at one time.

Number eleven. Lower prices only 60% of what FORTY Save For Later, when the real war begins.

Number twelve. They have a capacityRADY TAKE leave to new customers as a competitor in the market.

Number thirteen. A right DIVERSION particularly large before so they do not come to see START.

Number fourteen. GET THE INDUSTRY prices and service problems before a customer ATTACK ITEMS.

Number fifteen. Make the industry to defend their positions and track records.

Number of sixteen. Have inside information about your competitors and know their next step.

Number Seventeen. Have your saycompetitors every time he breaks the rule of the shipbuilding industry servic lower in price competition, and alert the news.

Number eighteen. GO THRE-silent Steath months before the war.

Number nineteen. Move quickly, and your competitors Attack In high season, immediately after the slowest MONTH.

Number twenty. You do RECOGINITION enforce.

Number 2001 to 2005 and the most important of all. I can not tell youTHIS.

Many business books will tell you that you can not have a price or quality. BS-have both, some say it should be one or the other? The experts, professors and the leadership of the sector? Who cares what they think. Business Leadership in the field is to start by saying a price war,

DO what you pay for! No one can make you do it, cheap.

Yes, but you pay for what you get? This set is a simple policeman. And no one really can not? Oadmit that they are not and cast their inferiority to the company, as an inanimate object personified. No one can maintain this pace marathon. hold that thought. If you have inside information that this happens and you have to win even lower, since it's likely not to recover the lost ground or lost market share and you have the synergy and the power now at your side. This is how markets are won. A waste, and a sure sign thatmust compete, not only do not understand your industry, but can not be allowed to adjust. Pray for this scenario can take place, is typical and means that you do it right.

Consider a company that has great prices, great service, great customer base, great image at the top of all aspects and more efficient than the nearest competitor. A company like Dell. So when a price war on competitors in our markets, who wins? The consumerNumber one. And because of the competition can not take part in our price war. Overhead is too high, and reject the industry is broken. In the meantime, consumers chose Dell not predominantly, Gateway or HP-Compaq. Why. For the same reasons as before.

There are many good examples of case studies in this article, all out of context and a touch of depth at a point if not to demonstrate that the authors will be read. I would put a challenge to these authors, the moneyCompany is in business PCs. price war was the weapon of choice is the same as picking up the pace in a marathon. If you are better runners leaving everyone else in the dust, if not the best runners, it is your fault for not preparing or training hard enough in life you have lived for decades by that event. Be the best lift and start the war, raising the bar, the rules that bring speed and lower prices, ready to be a targetMarathon.

You know what, the audience will love you even more consumers. Just Ask: AVIS, Ford, Microsoft, Block Buster, E-commerce,, JB Hunt, Swift, GE, AT & T, Taco Bell, Southwest Airlines, but you get the point.

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