Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Always place a lot about Southwest Airlines (without engaging in Fisticuffs with other passengers!)

Want to fly for a dollar to the southwest, but you're tired of sitting in the central square, the back of the plane, smelling the toilet disinfectant spray? Yes, the secret is not some law of attraction, is a good seat on a flight "open-seating". After flying to dozens of Southwest planes, as comedienne tourism business, I found it! Here are ways to reduce the chance that you'll get a decent place even increase.

If the aircraft is not completely and six in"A" or "B" line. . . You, of course, entering a row in which the head office left empty!

Sit in rows 5 through 8. According to my unscientific research to observe the human models (no lab rats involved), I noticed a popular model. Passengers tend to fill up the front couple rows, then the starting line with about 5 when she was a person sitting in this line, to return to look to find a better place! I assume (as a scientist) who can not see the backupline 9, and then it's too late, that the salmon swim upstream to move, so locked. Park is in lines 5-8, where a person is already sitting, and there is a reality, the really good case that the head office remains vacant. Bonus Tip. . . I have not even noticed (ahem, studied) that people fill the left side (as you walk down the aisle) first, so you should sit on the right.

Sitting in a series that a person already in it. When you sit on a blank line, there is a possibilitythat two people traveling together are seated next to you.

Sit in a row with a person in it. . . In cases where the effort is full. Most people have a carryon the size of Kansas, with all kinds of toothpaste in value that are sitting nearby. So, if the container is full, go on it! Of course you've checked your luggage, giving you a free agent to have filled the seats are down. If you are a carry-on, make sure you fill in a place where the bag sitting on the container. This is a good timehave a bag the size of Kansas.

If all that is left, center seats because you're a "C" is a person. . . Also avoid most "C is for mid-seat" destiny.

Looking for people who play with an empty seat in between them. Twin Budweiser T-shirt or the same Harley tattoo means you are probably traveling together. Eureka! Start taking place in this center, as you know what? One of 'em moved near their honey, and you have a window or aisle, even ifYou are a person "C". Brilliant!

Sit behind the emergency exit. If you have a short (like 30 minutes) flight to a hub city are like a phoenix, and you do not change, but it goes to an even longer flight, sitting in the row behind the emergency exit, although the middle seat . Chances are the people lining up to exit out of the center and you can move on. Bonus Tip. . . Do not wait for the stewardess to get you going. Do it, while all out of the plane (just make sure you aresession for their employees!). And never sit in front of the emergency exit row. . . These seats do not recline.

If the airplane is far too full. . . You can still get a decent lap.

Hand pick your partner. You'll be stuck with potluck if you are not active and make eye contact with people desirable. Lure them with a quick smile and show them that you have a book which was the universal sign of Travel "will not bore you with my speech." Of course, you candefine "desirable". . I'm tall, so I look for people bathed less. Bonus Tip. . . As you noted in the queue, the first person in line "C". If the leading "C" starts through, you know, it's time to get serious looks at the "come here".


A bag on the seat does not mean someone is sitting there. Ask, ask, because that person is rude, crude, rude. You can try to hog a whole row of pretending theThe seats are full.

Bolt for the line output. If you are one of the first people in line "A", try the exit row immediately after boarding. Many, many people think, just sit in front, and forget about the great leg room in those places. I have the exit row, 20 or later, get in line!

Check-in 24 hours in advance. Even if you're in a hotel and not to print your boarding pass, you can check-in, and then print the actual pass at the airport. (FYI, if you print your boarding passPass on the printer, look at the number on the left hand. This number is the number that is checked - I'm # 1 times)

Take the first flight in the morning. Because the plan is there, does not come from somewhere, you have a better chance of a flight-time. And no one is sitting in the seats first, as the line output from a previous flight.

Of course, a friend of mine who was separated from his son, won seats in handing him a barf bag and switchtold him (loudly) to 'use, if you get sick. "The person who turns on his side seats with her. Hey, use what you have! Here is more comfortable to travel... For a dollar!

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