Wednesday, October 20, 2010

American Airlines Crash: 12 November 2001

It seems that there have been many comments to the AA crash of November 2001, when it was an accident rather than an attack on the media stopped the reports and the story disappeared excluded. The following years have been the safest years in aviation industry history. What if the terrorists stole an Airbus to fly, instead of simple and reliable Boeing during 9-11? It had to come from the tail, and could not crash on the way to its destination and their attack. MaybeAirbus wants the airlines to buy more American planes drop their policies, in air at a party and which will be their contribution to the terrorist anti-American? In my humble opinion, Airbus that crashed was a flying piece of junk anyway.

We need to improve standards for new commercial aircraft, which are made of composite materials, because we now know more than they previously non-modern about these new materials. We know that most of the composite materials and their life cycles and airworthiness. We know more about their durabilityIn order to strengthen over time and after years of UV rays, thermal expansion and contraction, fatigue and sheer power. Read the book by Michael Creighton cell. It seems that this episode of Air Disasters in American history, a chapter that we did not have to see it implemented.

Remember, Chicago O'Hare disaster with the DC-10, the engines are not subject to accept aircraft and should not be born with defects, airlines would have to keep aircraft and towersattach powerful engines, wings. These poles and the attached motor should not be so rigid as in the first sign of wind shear, yaw at low speeds or wake turbulence. If American Airlines thinks that controls the aircraft and all that he does drugs, in order to test fly them in, only for them to set up a similar force on each side of the vertical stabilizer with the pressure per square inch than the prevailing thought that through Because of the turbulenceKLM-747 freighter to 1 / 92 of the interval with full flaps and must complete 14 hours of starting a non-stop flight and enough to lift the load floor out of the way of the NIMBY informants for the airport noise abatement.

Airports make noise to do with it. If you do international trade, there will be more aircraft noise have less attention to use to get to it. If you ask these aircraft slowed to a maximum increase of the aircraft in thisDeparture takes off another aircraft with a speed of closing fast behind them on an interval of three minutes, the soon to be 90 seconds or less can. And certainly not allow a pilot to shake the controls in the most delicate moment during a flight, the V-AGL 2-5000. For heaven's sake, and the technology of yesterday to check against the knowledge of today. We do not know composite is the end for all weight loss and strength. We now know more about these things than ever beforebefore. It 's time to review all military aircraft in flight and possible fatigue failure.

It 'been a 747, a queue lost a few years ago and it took 27 minutes to crash, which means that you have several planes land safely after losing a fin. is not a real experienced crew actually have two-axis autopilot for launch and had his hands on the controls had many more chances to hear the plan from its situation andCompared to the shift of weight, loss of control, the loss of two of the three circuits of the airplane and with minimal use of differential thrust on each engine to fly the plane and keep it to straighten the flight speed. No body needed to die that day.

It 's time for all Airbus aircraft with tails of composite strength, becoming the first code tested on a specific PSI. Only then can not guarantee a repeat situation. All aircraft to be builtand lose its structural integrity has been compromised or produced by chance, another hole in an aircraft component part of the drill should not be allowed to be used, residue, build queue others. We have strict rules to the principles of performance and design of the natural laws of Mother Nature, which could really be damned, do what is required. If you threaten or deny these known quantities, please visit Murphy is much more common than originallyexpected. Shame on Airbus, AMR shame on, shame on the pilots, shame on us, we are so stupid as to believe that the characteristics of the flight of those who run or AMR build planes from Airbus apply? They can arbitrarily decide on the truth of money and profits flight characteristics that allow you to maximize the speed and distance of time beyond the natural laws in terms of truth and knowledge around the world know how gravity, weight, thrust and lift? On This three-dimensional plane called Earth, we have given, do not change, because we accept? This incident was not the case that both the original Comet, which is not yet known due to circumstances such as harmonics, none of the crashes caused by the negligence of the AMR management in short-term profitability and the share of the security and expectations of consumers is state had crashed. Some analysts say that Airbus, builders are the laziest Union working in the world to sell most state-subsidizedAirlines>.

The plane crash in question, which was an old Eastern Airlines plane that was probably not very stable in any case due to lack of maintenance back when the company broke up. Three pilots are sitting in the cockpit to make the way above the average standard of life and denies the reason I paid so much. It should not be close to KLM, as the commander, it's been the problem and if problems should occur had flownthe first plane.

Composite preventive maintenance has been discussed for years, and an article that I saved after May 1999, in Aviation Maintenance, share solutions to help people understand some of Composite repair questions that this incident could have been avoided. Also in this article was a reference to the leader CACRCs;

ISBN # 0-7680-0020-3, Order # AE-27.

After the accident, they put all the O'Hare DC-10 pilots with the same scenario, about half live in the simulator, so thatAmerican Airlines and the crash was completely avoidable. How many times are we to get them to an airline with a wealth of political influence, with the stuff? How quickly we forget. Think about it.

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