Wednesday, September 15, 2010

TRENDS 2008 in aviation

2008 was a very interesting year for aviation. If we look at the airlines, we see many airlines on the brink of bankruptcy, and different strategies for this activity. Some try to raise fares and add additional costs for nearly all extras as you can remember, and this is a negative effect on customer loyalty and satisfaction. Other airlines looking to consolidate and merge with rivals, some taxes and add us on . Merge is a free for all.

Then, in the aviation sector, we have Boeing against Airbus. new carbon composite aircraft, Boeing makes it easier to share and much more efficient, while their arch enemy and rival Airbus's market for the largest airplane in the world, in order to carry more passengers on a flight that will reduce the cost for passenger. Both strategies seem to work as orders for the Airbus A380 and 787 are strong.

The discountAirlines> do well, but no airline these days can expect to break the sound barrier. Fuel costs are prohibitive, even if all the airlines to raise fares, there is an entrance fee, where much of the flying public simply stop flying. And the market can be seen as many carriers their pension is less efficient aircraft and therefore the capacity from below. The range and number of aircraft will be reduced by prudent business decisions to cut unprofitableRoutes.

Richard Branson of Virgin Airways recently said that this horrible year for the airlines and we could see a substantial volume file bankruptcy, perhaps several. The line think tank agrees with this view and some carriers may contain up to 2009 or 2010, but the upheaval in the industry will continue bankruptcy and big announcements are indeed imminent.

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