Saturday, September 4, 2010

Improve as airlines?

Most of us would agree that if you must vote on an industry, companies should not to emulate a model, the aviation sector is at or near the top of this list. The industry is generally considered a manifesto for customers disappointing or irritating in so many ways I have no time or space to list them instead.

Now the aviation sector is at the end of the summer travel season, and it seems that the powers that be are working hard to make plans to improve developmentmany problems of their customer service before its next time peak Thanksgiving rolls around. It 'this effort to improve that I am, because every company can improve its customer service in writing.

Rather than sit back and accept that a system overload, every time I felt overwhelmed, have additional capacity, the development of opportunities to rethink their processes and work.

The starting point of this study is metricsThe documentation and measurement problems. How much luggage was transferred from one airport to another? How many flights were overbooked? Where flights were delayed because air-filled waiting at the gates? After collecting and hope that the understanding of these data, the effort to determine what is in each subject, which is responsible for planning and implementation to reduce delays, the accuracy is increased, and improve the overall performance to be done.

Every company has to dowith the same questions. Many times we have little to do and only disappoint our customers. They lack the competition and you never know because the collection of measurement data for only a few companies and try to understand the depth of the problem.

Therefore, I propose that all those issues that our customer service and start measuring. Create metrics on the number of times a phone rings, the delay before the number of times, "said one broadcast. Start of development of methods to reduce the delaythe accuracy and improvement of overall growth. Maybe we all learn something good from airlines, as aims to improve before Thanksgiving. Me? I like my home to Turkey in November.

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